About Me

Jenny Kelly-Masloski, Healing Touch Certified Practitioner, Art Instructor & Artist

“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.”

– Chuang Tzu

After my journey through cancer, my values shifted. I seek joy. I value time, specifically how and where I spend my time. “Someday” and “one day” dreams can be today.

I love quotes and often use them as prompt for journaling; another of my self-care practices. Here are a few of my favorites quotes. What brings to mind as you read them?

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Elliot

If you could embark on a new journey, career, hobby, relationship, what would it be? I always enjoyed art and now manifested art into my job.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Gandhi

Everyone can make a difference but we must take action. What do you wish were different? How can you contribute?

“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” – Rumi

Time, for me, is precious. I fill my time with things that I love. Tap dancing, piano, reading, gardening, walking, and playing games all rejuvenate and ground me. My hobbies are part of my self-care. 

When not practicing Healing Touch, I teach art to 18 month-9 year olds. I create art for myself and others; painting and ceramics are two of my favorite mediums. I live in Northeast Ohio with my husband, our 4 cats, and 10 chickens.

What does your story look like? You know yourself best. What inspires you? What do you need for your healing? I’d love to be part of your wellness team.

Get In Touch

Call or Text

(330) 485-3420

Virtual Sessions

Thursday: 10am-7pm EST
Additional days upon request

In-Person Sessions

708 E. Smith Road
Medina, OH 44256

Friday: 10am-7pm EST
Saturday: 9am-6pm EST